The school year is nearly over, and the kids are excited. Kids learn a lot during these initial years at school. It’s where they are trained to function as independent adults who can take little responsibilities. They learn about people about the world and different subjects. This might seem like a lot for a small child’s brain but is required for his/her mental and physical development.
This is the reason summer vacations make for one of the best times in a child’s life. It is that time of the year when a child takes a break from his/her routine and does things he/she doesn’t usually find time for. Parents, on the other hand, might have to make multiple altercations in advance to fit into their child’s summer vacation plans. This is that time of the year when parents can spend quality time with their little ones. It could be with a session of storytelling or a family vacation to a relative’s place. All these plans are short-lived, unlike the summer vacation. So what can a child do after the short trip is over or when the parent is not available for a storytelling session?
Most parents struggle with finding the best activity to keep their child occupied during summer vacation. Summer vacations are supposed to be the right mix of learning and unwinding.
Some activities suggested by the learned M.Andrissen of Klavertje Vier are..
Reading over the summer vacation can be an excellent activity for kids. This can be both entertaining and informative at the same time. Visit the local library check if they have a summer reading club or parents can start a neighbourhood reading or book club there. Children could meet and read a book in every session. This can be a great way to improve their vocabulary and improve their pronunciations. Parents can take up the responsibility to ask questions that drive constructive discussions. These reading sessions will ignite the child’s curiosity and eventually make him/her a confident individual.
Sports activity:–
In today’s modern world, kids are seen to be more keen about screens and less interested in playgrounds. However, it’s the responsibility of the parents to encourage their kids to go out and indulge in certain forms of physical activity. This can be in the form of a friendly game of catch with the neighbourhood kids or a trip to the nearest park. Staying close to nature and being outdoors, can teach kids many lessons that aren’t available in textbooks. This is also a great way to learn about the surrounding they are a part of.
Making friends:–
The best childhood memories are made during summer vacations, aren’t they? It’s that time of the year when children have the time to break their monotony. This is the best time to find a new interest and interact with new people. Encourage children to make new friends and have new conversations with new people. As parents, you can make appointments with the parents of the neighbourhood kids and encourage all the kids in the locality to play together. This makes for an excellent opportunity for children to exchange ideas and change their perspective of the world around them. Additionally, the kid’s social skills and language skills will improve too.
Family time:–
Most working parents are stuck with a tight schedule and do not find enough time to spend with their kids. This can turn out to be pretty offsetting as years pass by. It’s extremely crucial that parents find a balance between work and children, during summer vacations. This is the right time to make new memories and form bonds with the family.
M.Andriessen thinks it may be a good idea for parents to make themselves less busy at work. This way, they can manage chores at home in such a way that they can spend more time with their children. One can spend the evening, playing a board game or just cooking along with their kids.
It is the responsibility of the parents to keep their electronics away during this time. Families can make plans in advance and visit the museum or the nearest beach. This can help the parents and the kids to unwind together.
“It is during these large summer breaks I teach my child how to see time and make time-tables that are flexible. I focus on making learning more fun and practical. One should be careful to mix and match activity, fun, learning and sports equally.” says M.Andrissen of Klavertje Vier.
Summer vacation can be a long period of time. It won’t be possible to plan outdoor activities to keep children occupied. There will be times when it’s convenient if the children are occupied with certain activities within the premises of the house.
Annemarie Dees of Stichting Kinderopvang Haarlemmermeer suggests
How to engage kids indoors during their summer vacations?
Children do not follow their usual time tables during summer vacations. They usually have a lot of free time and do not follow a strict routine like the ones during school days. This duration when the child’s mind is unoccupied can be used strategically to decide on their schedules and certain types of activities to engage with. Children tend to get bored easily during long breaks and can often end up in front of the screen. This is why it’s wise for parents to help their children with a list of indoor and outdoor activities that stimulate good physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.
“It is always good to engage kids with board games, Rubik cubes & Lego. These games aid in the kid’s logical thinking and fantasy games play a big role in improving a child’s imaginative skills & creative skills.” says Annemarie Dees of Stichting Kinderopvang Haarlemmermeer.
However, kids love computer games and ask for a lot of unhealthy screen time, how to deal with this?
With the advancement in technology, it’s practically impossible for parents to keep their kids away from computers. The world revolves around computers today and it’s nearly impossible to be a part of this civilization without it. However, parents must understand the fine line between using computers and letting it overpower one’s life.
“There are many great things that one can choose to do with computers. One could choose to learn new things, play new games and look out for useful programs. However, its wise that parents overlook their child’s interaction with computers to avoid misuse. When used optimally, parents can ensure that computers help in their child’s brain development.” says Annemarie Dees of SKH
However, make sure to avoid addictive and meaningless movies or series. One can instead choose to experiment in creative platforms and solve puzzles or problems instead.
“Give your child the option to choose from activities and help them make a routine,” says Annemarie of SKH.
Working parents are usually the ones looking for summer activity centers to keep their children occupied. In times like these parents should make it a point to choose BSO that gives the children with a spectrum of options to choose from. For example, Stiching Kinderopvang Haarlemmermeer gives different game options for each day that a child can select from. This works perfectly in keeping the child occupied and helping his/her development on track. These fun activities make sure to break the monotony and to give children a sense of freedom. This eventually enables the child to make his/her own choices and become more independent.
Summer vacation is that duration in a year that allows families to bond better and make new memories together. Families choose to do activities together, and they work on areas that need attention. Children grow really fast, and that is why parents can’t be negligent about their health during summer vacations. Families can go on hikes and walks together and parents can encourage sports activities with friends. This will also ensure the fitness and health level of the child. Healthy and hydrated diet, outdoor sports activity with friends and engaging activity at home will ensure an overall health of your child.
In the end, summer vacation is all about the right balance. A perfect combination of play and learning is what a child needs on a summer vacation. Apart from that, stay hydrated and happy during these summers!